Wednesday, October 12, 2016

When Christians Vilify Abortion but Shirk Adoption

 With less than a month until we elect the next president, I thought it fitting to address something that is very, very heavy on my heart. It actually has little to to with who you vote for, but more a consideration I want all Christians to make.

One of the main topics conservatives identify as a deciding factor when choosing a politician to endorse is abortion.

Abortion, ugh. Such an uncomfortable, detestable, hot-button word among evangelical Christians; rightfully so, as it is in complete opposition to one of the simplest yet irrevocably foundational commandments given to us: Thou Shalt Not Kill. One would be hard-pressed to find any southern evangelical who thinks it's okay to abort a child.

We have a REAL crisis here.

Let's picture for a moment, a pregnant mother, who for whatever reason does not want to keep her unborn baby. There is a life growing inside of her, a blameless life that could potentially increase the kingdom of God; and so, because we wholeheartedly believe in the sanctity of life, and the Truth in God's word, we assert that she cannot abort the baby, and further that abortion should be illegal.

Okay, so that makes sense...but what other options does this mother have?

  • 1) Give the baby up for adoption
  • 2) Keep the baby anyway, even though she doesn't want to, or cannot care for the child.

Let that sink in for a minute.


Either way I look at it, the options aren't great. We often suggest that there are people out there that would just love to be parents, so obviously, just let a loving couple have the child.

But is it so simple? Have you checked out the number of children in your state already waiting for a forever home? Maybe the mother decided that she couldn't or didn't want to raise the child, but she didn't want to abort it. Maybe the child was removed from his or her biological home due to abuse or neglect. Maybe his or her parents died. Over 2,000 children are waiting for a home at this very moment in Tennessee; we have literally hundreds of thousands waiting all over the United States...

Where are all the Christian families lined up to take a child home with them?

Honestly, it really doesn't matter who you vote for on this issue, because the real problem remains.
By all means, vote...but please, sincerely please, realize that even if we vote in a president who really can and will ensure that legal abortion is eradicated from our culture, it will not change two things:

1) the fact that there will always be pregnant mothers who either can't or won't take care of their children, and

2) that we have an era of Christians who refuse to open their homes to babies who weren't aborted.

We have a real crisis going on, and I daresay it is not abortion. The crisis lies in the fact that we have so many needing homes already and not enough Christians to help out. I shudder to say this, but think about how much greater the number of children waiting would be if those aborted were alive.

Adoption honestly is not for our benefit; it's not just to make or complete a family. It is for God, a display of obedience to care for the least of these (see Matthew 25:34-46), to be obedient to the cause for Christ no matter the cost. It may be hard; it may be uncomfortable. However, we were not called to a life of ease, comfort, and complacency.

"If 1 family in every 3 churches in the US adopted a waiting child, every waiting child in the US would have a forever family."

With all of this being said, I understand that just going out and adopting a child is not always a simple choice or process. There are many factors to consider, especially if you already have biological children. If cost is an issue, please know that you can adopt from your state agency at little to no cost, and you will receive the education for how to care for them.
"33% of Americans consider adoption. 79% of those are concerned about the costs, the biggest deterrent. Less than 2% adopt"

All I can ask of you is that you sincerely pray for God's will to be evident in your life and that you will heed his call if and when the answer is yes...

For more info in fostering or adopting, visit:


Photo credit to America Adopts 

 (I do not support abortion. I find it to be irresponsible at best and devastating at its worst. It is not an acceptable form of birth control, and it deeply wounds in psychological ways. I do think there is mercy and grace for anyone and everyone who asks for forgiveness, including of this act. Please understand that I am simply bringing an important, alternative viewpoint to the issue and the ramifications of such, that is sadly not discussed enough).

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